

十大彩票平台技术社区学院 is committed to providing high quality education and
为学生提供出色的实地工作经验. 学生们被期望达到他们的最高水平
在所有教育和实地工作(临床实习)期间的功能水平, 实习, 校外实习, or
field placement) experiences in order to maximize the learning environment and ensure patient/client
安全. 因此,学生的表现在任何时候都必须不受任何损害
prescription or non-prescribed drugs including alcohol, marijuana, and cannabis-derived products.
Many 大学 programs require students to undergo and pass a drug screening analysis in order to
有资格参加实习. 十大彩票平台学生项目费用涵盖了本次放映的费用.
Additional scheduled and random drug and/or alcohol screenings may be required depending upon
学生s who are notified of a negative-dilute result will submit to an observed urine drug test within
24 hours of the previous test (or soonest appointment made available to 十大彩票平台 健康合规
by the testing agency) in order to confirm the negative or positive finding status of the drug screening.
If a student continues to receive a negative-dilute or inconclusive drug screening result, the
subsequent drug test will be of the hair collection method until a conclusive negative or positive result
学生s with a positive drug screening may challenge the results by filing a written appeal to the
大学's Director of 健康合规 within five (5) business days of notification of the test results.
An appeal by a student who claims that the positive test was due to a prescription drug and was
unable to clarify this matter with the medical review officer (MRO) from the drug testing lab shall
包括来自医疗保健提供者的处方类型的证据, 允许使用的日期和
剂量量. 学生可能需要支付额外的药物筛选费用
上诉的一部分. 因筛选阳性而被排除在课程之外的学生,未能提交
appeal, denied appeal, or refusal to submit to a screening may re-apply for re-entry into a program
一年后. 重新入学的请求将根据具体情况进行考虑


Background record checks are required for 大学 programs involving potentially unsupervised
与儿童接触, 残疾人, 或者老年人, 包括实地考察(临床实习), 实习,
校外实习, or field placement) with a private or public healthcare provider or daycare provider. 这样的
checks include data provided by the Massachusetts Department of Criminal Justice 信息
Services (DCJIS); the Office of Inspector General/General Services Administration (OIG/GSA); the
Massachusetts Department of Children and Families (DCF); the Massachusetts Sex Offender
Registry 董事会 (SORB); the state and national fingerprint databases; as well as all relevant state
and national criminal history, child welfare and sex offender registries, databases and repositories.
The purpose of the background check is to ensure a safe and protective environment for all clients,
学生s choosing not to consent to the required background checks will be ineligible to participate
在涉及弱势群体的实地工作中. 没有资格参加实地考察可能会影响
Based upon the results of the background record check, a student may be deemed ineligible to
参加学术或实地考察活动, 哪些因素会影响学生成功的能力
完整的程序要求. 背景记录调查由学院的CORI审查
董事会. The CORI 董事会 determines eligibility to participate in academic and/or fieldwork activities.
学生s have the right to appeal the 的决心 of the CORI 董事会 by filing a written appeal
with the Vice President of 学生事务 within 10 business days of receiving the CORI 董事会’s
Furthermore, please be advised that eligibility to participate in 大学 academic and/or fieldwork
activities following a background record check does not guarantee eligibility to sit for a professional
资格考试或在项目完成后就业. 这是学生的
responsibility to contact the certification or licensure board for a particular healthcare or other service
profession to determine the standards that must be met for credentialing, licensing and/or